Austrian Audio Hi-X65

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Pro-level Open-back, Over-ear Headphones for Mixing and Mastering

Austrian Audio designed the Hi-X65 Professional Open-back Over-ear Headphones with mixing and mastering top of mind. These pro-level cans feature Austrian Audio’s proprietary High Excursion technology, which delivers a clear linear frequency response with spacious, high-resolution sound for the kind of precise listening you need to ensure whatever project you are mixing and mastering will sound its best. And with an impressive 5 Hz–28 kHz frequency range and 110dB SPL/V impedance, you can be sure these headphones are wired for detailed sonic translation. Hi-X65 headphones have also been designed for maximum comfort with padded earcups, a flexible headband, and a 180-degree swivel. Finally, these incredible headphones feature a detachable cable and are easy to fold up for storage and transport — a feature on-the-go mixing and mastering aficionados here at Sweetwater really appreciate.

Austrian Audio Hi-X65 Professional Open-back Over-ear Headphones Features:

  • Pro-level open-back, over-ear headphones for mixing and mastering
  • Proprietary High Excursion technology delivers a clear linear frequency response with spacious, high-resolution sound
  • Padded earcups, flexible headband, and 180-degree swivel for max comfort
  • Detachable cable; easy to fold up for storage and transport


SKU: 04347102 Категории ,


Pro-level Open-back, Over-ear Headphones for Mixing and Mastering




Austrian Audio

Nakon što su AKG vrata u Beču zatvorena, odlučeno je da se pokrene nešto novo, nešto izazovno i vjerno zaostavštini umjeća stvaranja u audio svijetu. Vrata su nanovo otvorena u julu 2017. i nastao je Austrian Audio. Naoružani iskustvom i ekspertizom bivših AKG radnika iz polja menadžmenta, akustike, elektronike, testiranja i mjerenja, mehaničkog dizajna, bežičnog prenosa i softvera, Austrian Audio stvaraju izuzetne proizvode bez premca. Strast koja se može čuti!
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