Rackmount 450W 2-channel power amplifier offering versatile configurability for 4-/8-Ohm setups in schools, houses of worship, retail spaces, offices, and more. This amplifier has a simple, easy-to-use interface with the power switch and indicator LEDs on the front panel, while the stepped level controls
Electro-Voice PA2450L
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Rackmount 450W 2-channel power amplifier offering versatile configurability for 4-/8-Ohm setups in schools, houses of worship, retail spaces, offices, and more. This amplifier has a simple, easy-to-use interface with the power switch and indicator LEDs on the front panel, while the stepped level controls
SKU: 17025613
Категорија Засилувачи
Tražite ponudu za kupovinu Electro-Voice profesionalnih razglasa i mikrofona u Bosni i Hercegovini? Već decenijama imamo savršeno iskustvo sa EV, jednim od najprestižnijih proizvođača zvučnih sistema koji sve i jednu komponentu ugrađenu u svoj proizvod razvijaju samostalno kako bi osigurali maksimalan učinak i dugotrajnu upotrebu.